Roles can be used from the command line or in a playbook task. Ansible executes each role, usually on the remote target node, and collects return values.
While different roles perform different tasks, their interfaces and responses follow similar patterns.
Role reference
Reference material for each role contains documentation on what parameters certain roles accept and what values they expect those parameters to be.
- console – Deploy the IBM Blockchain Platform console into Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift
- crds – Deploy the IBM Blockchain Platform custom resource definitions into Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift
- endorsing_organization – Build Hyperledger Fabric components for an endorsing organization
- fabric-console – Deploy the Fabric Operations Console into Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift
- fabric-operator-crds – Deploy the Fabric Operator and custom resource definitions into Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift
- console – Deploy the IBM Support for Hyperledger Fabric console into Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift
- crds – Deploy the IBM Support for Hyperledger Fabric custom resource definitions into Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift
- mrha_endorsing_organization – Build Hyperledger Fabric components for a multi-region, highly available endorsing organization
- mrha_ordering_organization – Build Hyperledger Fabric components for a multi-region, highly available ordering organization
- mzha_endorsing_organization – Build Hyperledger Fabric components for a multi-zone, highly available endorsing organization
- mzha_ordering_organization – Build Hyperledger Fabric components for a multi-zone, highly available ordering organization
- ordering_organization – Build Hyperledger Fabric components for an ordering organization