console – Deploy the IBM Blockchain Platform console into Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift


This role allows you to quickly deploy the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

This role works with both Kubernetes clusters and Red Hat OpenShift clusters, running on either x86-64 or IBM Z hardware.



absent - All components for the console will be stopped and removed, if they exist.

present - All components for the console will be created if they do not exist, or will be updated if their current configuration does not match the expected configuration.

Type: str
Default: present
target (required)

k8s - Deploy the console into a Kubernetes cluster.

openshift - Deploy the console into a Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

Type: str
arch (required)

amd64 - Specify this if the architecture of the cluster is amd64.

s390x - Specify this if the architecture of the cluster is s390x.

Type: str

The name of the Kubernetes namespace to deploy the console to. The namespace will be created if it does not exist.

Only required when target is k8s.

Type: str

The name of the Red Hat OpenShift project to deploy the console to. The project will be created if it does not exist.

Only required when target is openshift.

Type: str

The name of the image pull secret. The image pull secret will be used to pull all IBM Blockchain Platform images from the specified image registry.

Type: str
Default value: docker-key-secret

The image registry to pull images from. The image registry must contain the IBM Blockchain Platform images.

The default image registry,, is the standard IBM Entitlement Registry.

You only need to specify an alternative image registry if you are behind a firewall and cannot access the standard IBM Entitlement Registry.

Type: str
Default value:

The username for authenticating to the image registry.

The default image registry username, cp, is the username for the standard IBM Entitlement Registry.

You only need to specify an alternative image registry username if you are using an alternative image registry.

Type: str
Default value: cp
image_registry_email (required)

The email address for authenticating to the image registry.

If you are using the default image registry, this is the email address you use to log in to the My IBM dashboard.

Type: str
image_registry_password (required)

The password for authenticating to the image registry.

If you are using the default image registry, this is the entitlement key that you can obtain from the My IBM dashboard.

Type: str

The image repository on the image registry to pull images from.

The default image repository, cp, is the image repository for the standard IBM Entitlement Registry.

You only need to specify an alternative image repository if you are using an alternative image registry.

Type: str
Default value: cp

The name of the cluster role.

By default, the cluster role has the same name as the specified Kubernetes namespace or Red Hat OpenShift project.

Type: str

The name of the cluster role binding.

By default, the cluster role binding has the same name as the specified Kubernetes namespace or Red Hat OpenShift project.

Type: str

The name of the pod security policy.

By default, the pod security policy has the same name as the specified Kubernetes namespace or Red Hat OpenShift project.

Only required when target is k8s.

Type: str

The name of the role binding.

By default, the role binding has the same name as the specified Kubernetes namespace or Red Hat OpenShift project.

Only required when target is k8s.

Type: str

The name of the security context constraints.

By default, the security context contraints have the same name as the specified Kubernetes namespace or Red Hat OpenShift project.

Only required when target is openshift.

Type: str

The name of the service account to use.

Type: str
Default value: default

The name of the operator.

Type: str
Default value: ibp-operator

The name of the console.

Type: str
Default value: ibp-console
console_domain (required)

The DNS domain for the console.

This DNS domain will be used as the base DNS domain for the console, as well as any certificate authorities, peers, and ordering services created using the console.

Type: str
console_email (required)

The email address of the default console user.

Type: str
console_default_password (required)

The default password for all console users, including the default console user.

Type: str

The storage class to use for the console.

Type: str
Default value: default

The storage size to use for the console.

Type: str
Default value: 10Gi

The TLS secret name to use for the console.

If specified this secret must already exist in the specified Kubernetes namespace or Red Hat OpenShift project and must contain the TLS certificate and private key that the console will use.

If not specified the console will generate it’s own self-signed certificates.

Type: str

The version of IBM Blockchain Platform to use.

Type: str
Default value: 2.5.1

The version of the IBM Blockchain Platform operator to use.

The image tag used for the IBM Blockchain Platform operator is product_version-operator_version-arch, for example 2.5.1-20210222-amd64.

Type: str
Default value: 20210222

The list of Kubernetes zones that this console can deploy components into.

If you do not specify a list of Kubernetes zones, and multiple Kubernetes zones are available, then a random Kubernetes zone will be selected for you when you attempt to create any components.

See the Kubernetes documentation for more information:

Type: list
Elements: str

The timeout, in seconds, to wait until the console is available.

Type: int
Default value: 60


- name: Deploy IBM Blockchain Platform console on Kubernetes
  hosts: localhost
    state: present
    target: k8s
    arch: amd64
    namespace: my-namespace
    image_registry_password: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...
    console_default_password: passw0rd
    wait_timeout: 3600
    - ibm.blockchain_platform.console

- name: Deploy IBM Blockchain Platform console on Red Hat OpenShift
  hosts: localhost
    state: present
    target: openshift
    arch: amd64
    project: my-project
    image_registry_password: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...
    console_default_password: passw0rd
    wait_timeout: 3600
    - ibm.blockchain_platform.console

- name: Remove IBM Blockchain Platform console from Kubernetes
  hosts: localhost
    state: absent
    target: k8s
    arch: amd64
    namespace: my-namespace
    wait_timeout: 3600
    - ibm.blockchain_platform.console

- name: Remove IBM Blockchain Platform console from Red Hat OpenShift
  hosts: localhost
    state: absent
    target: openshift
    arch: amd64
    project: my-project
    wait_timeout: 3600
    - ibm.blockchain_platform.console