ordering_organization – Build Hyperledger Fabric components for an ordering organization


This role allows you to quickly build Hyperledger Fabric components for an ordering organization. An ordering organization has a certificate authority and an ordering service.

This role works with the IBM Blockchain Platform managed service running in IBM Cloud, or the IBM Blockchain Platform software running in a Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster.


api_endpoint (required)

The URL for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: str
api_authtype (required)

ibmcloud - Authenticate to the IBM Blockchain Platform console using IBM Cloud authentication. You must provide a valid API key using api_key.

basic - Authenticate to the IBM Blockchain Platform console using basic authentication. You must provide both a valid API key using api_key and API secret using api_secret.

Type: str
api_key (required)

The API key for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: str

The API secret for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Only required when api_authtype is basic.

Type: str

The timeout, in seconds, to use when interacting with the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: int
Default value: 60

The IBM Cloud IAM token endpoint to use when using IBM Cloud authentication.

Only required when api_authtype is ibmcloud, and you are using IBM internal staging servers for testing.

Type: str
Default value: https://iam.cloud.ibm.com/identity/token

absent - All components for the ordering organization will be stopped and removed, if they exist.

present - All components for the ordering organization will be created if they do not exist, or will be updated if their current configuration does not match the expected configuration.

Type: str
Default value: present
organization_name (required)

The name of the ordering organization.

Type: str
organization_msp_id (required)

The MSP ID of the ordering organization.

Type: str
ca_admin_enrollment_id (required)

The enrollment ID, or user name, of the identity registered as the administrator of the certificate authority.

Type: str
ca_admin_enrollment_secret (required)

The enrollment secret, or password, of the identity registered as the administrator of the certificate authority.

Type: str

The name of the certificate authority.

By default, the certificate authority name is organization_name followed by CA, for example Org1 CA.

Type: str

The Kubernetes resource configuration for the certificate authority.

For more information, review the documentation for the resources parameter of the certificate_authority module: certificate_authority

Type: dict

The Kubernetes storage configuration for the certificate authority.

For more information, review the documentation for the storage parameter of the certificate_authority module: certificate_authority

Type: dict

The version of Hyperledger Fabric to use for the certificate authority.

If you do not specify a version, the default Hyperledger Fabric version will be used for a new certificate authority.

If you do not specify a version, an existing certificate authority will not be upgraded.

If you specify a new version, an existing certificate authority will be automatically upgraded.

Type: str
organization_admin_enrollment_id (required)

The enrollment ID, or user name, of the identity registered as the administrator of the organization.

Type: str
organization_admin_enrollment_secret (required)

The enrollment secret, or password, of the identity registered as the administrator of the organization.

Type: str
ordering_service_enrollment_id (required)

The enrollment ID, or user name, of the identity registered for the ordering service.

Type: str
ordering_service_enrollment_secret (required)

The enrollment secret, or password, of the identity registered for the ordering service.

Type: str

The name of the ordering service.

Type: str
Default value: Ordering Service

The number of ordering service nodes in the ordering service.

For development and test networks, use one ordering service node. Five ordering service nodes provides Raft crash fault tolerance, and is suitable for production networks.

Type: int
Default value: 1

The Kubernetes resource configuration for the ordering service.

For more information, review the documentation for the resources parameter of the ordering_service module: ordering_service

Type: dict

The Kubernetes storage configuration for the ordering service.

For more information, review the documentation for the storage parameter of the ordering_service module: ordering_service

Type: dict

The version of Hyperledger Fabric to use for the ordering service.

If you do not specify a version, the default Hyperledger Fabric version will be used for a new ordering service.

If you do not specify a version, an existing ordering service will not be upgraded.

If you specify a new version, an existing ordering service will be automatically upgraded.

Type: str

The wallet directory to store identity files in.

If you do not specify a wallet directory, then the wallet directory will be set to the directory containing the Ansible playbook being executed.

Type: str

The identity file for the administrator of the certificate authority.

By default, the identity file stored in the wallet directory, and the file is named organization_name followed by CA Admin.json, for example /path/to/my/wallet/Org1 CA Admin.json.


The identity file for the administrator of the organization.

By default, the identity file stored in the wallet directory, and the file is named organization_name followed by ` Admin.json`, for example /path/to/my/wallet/Org1 Admin.json.


The timeout, in seconds, to wait until the certificate authority and the ordering service is available.

Type: int
Default value: 60


- name: Create components for an ordering organization
    state: present
    api_endpoint: https://ibp-console.example.org:32000
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    organization_name: Ordering Org
    organization_msp_id: OrdererMSP
    ca_admin_enrollment_id: admin
    ca_admin_enrollment_secret: adminpw
    organization_admin_enrollment_id: orderingorgadmin
    organization_admin_enrollment_secret: orderingorgadminpw
    ordering_service_enrollment_id: orderingorgorderer
    ordering_service_enrollment_secret: orderingorgordererpw
    wait_timeout: 3600
    - ibm.blockchain_platform.ordering_organization

- name: Destroy components for an ordering organization
    state: absent
    api_endpoint: https://ibp-console.example.org:32000
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    organization_name: Ordering Org
    wait_timeout: 3600
    - ibm.blockchain_platform.ordering_organization