chaincode_list_info – Get information about all installed and committed chaincodes on a Hyperledger Fabric channel


Get inofrmation on a chaincode definition on a Hyperledger Fabric channel


api_endpoint (required)

The URL for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: str
api_authtype (required)

ibmcloud - Authenticate to the IBM Blockchain Platform console using IBM Cloud authentication. You must provide a valid API key using api_key.

basic - Authenticate to the IBM Blockchain Platform console using basic authentication. You must provide both a valid API key using api_key and API secret using api_secret.

Type: str
api_key (required)

The API key for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: str

The API secret for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Only required when api_authtype is basic.

Type: str

The timeout, in seconds, to use when interacting with the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: int
Default value: 60

The IBM Cloud IAM token endpoint to use when using IBM Cloud authentication.

Only required when api_authtype is ibmcloud, and you are using IBM internal staging servers for testing.

Type: str
Default value:
peer (required)

The peer to use to manage the committed chaincode definition.

You can pass a string, which is the display name of a peer registered with the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

You can also pass a dict, which must match the result format of one of the ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(peer_info)” at index 76: Module name “peer_info” is not a FQCN or ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(peer)” at index 92: Module name “peer” is not a FQCN modules.

Type: raw
identity (required)

The identity to use when interacting with the peer.

You can pass a string, which is the path to the JSON file where the enrolled identity is stored.

You can also pass a dict, which must match the result format of one of the ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(enrolled_identity_info)” at index 76: Module name “enrolled_identity_info” is not a FQCN or ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(enrolled_identity)” at index 105: Module name “enrolled_identity” is not a FQCN modules.

Type: raw
msp_id (required)

The MSP ID to use for interacting with the peer.

Type: str

The PKCS #11 compliant HSM configuration to use for digital signatures.

Only required if the identity specified in identity was enrolled using an HSM.

Type: dict

The PKCS #11 library that should be used for digital signatures.

Type: str

The HSM label that should be used for digital signatures.

Type: str

The HSM pin that should be used for digital signatures.

Type: str
channel (required)

The name of the channel.

Type: str


- name: Show information on 'Org1 Peer' chaincodes
    state: present
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    peer: Org1 Peer
    identity: Org1 Admin.json
    msp_id: Org1MSP
    channel: mychannel

Return Values


The committed chaincode definition.

Returned: when state is present
Type: dict

list of installed chaincodes on the peer

Type: array

List of committed chaincode definitions

Type: array