channel_config – Manage the configuration for a Hyperledger Fabric channel


Fetch and update the configuration for a Hyperledger Fabric channel by using the IBM Blockchain Platform.

This module works with the IBM Blockchain Platform managed service running in IBM Cloud, or the IBM Blockchain Platform software running in a Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster.


api_endpoint (required)

The URL for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: str
api_authtype (required)

ibmcloud - Authenticate to the IBM Blockchain Platform console using IBM Cloud authentication. You must provide a valid API key using api_key.

basic - Authenticate to the IBM Blockchain Platform console using basic authentication. You must provide both a valid API key using api_key and API secret using api_secret.

Type: str
api_key (required)

The API key for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: str

The API secret for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Only required when api_authtype is basic.

Type: str

The timeout, in seconds, to use when interacting with the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: int
Default value: 60

The IBM Cloud IAM token endpoint to use when using IBM Cloud authentication.

Only required when api_authtype is ibmcloud, and you are using IBM internal staging servers for testing.

Type: str
Default value:
operation (required)

create - Create a channel configuration update transaction for a new channel.

fetch - Fetch the current channel configuration to the specified path.

compute_update - Compute a channel configuration update transaction using the original configuration at origin and the updated configuration at updated.

sign_update - Sign a channel configuration update transaction.

apply_update - Apply a channel configuration update transaction.

Type: str

The ordering service to use to manage the channel.

You can pass a string, which is the cluster name of a ordering service registered with the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

You can also pass a list, which must match the result format of one of the ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(ordering_service_info)” at index 76: Module name “ordering_service_info” is not a FQCN or ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(ordering_service)” at index 104: Module name “ordering_service” is not a FQCN modules.

Only required when operation is fetch or apply_update.

Cannot be specified with ordering_service_nodes.

Type: raw

The ordering service nodes to use to manage the channel.

You can pass strings, which are the names of ordering service nodes that are registered with the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

You can also pass a dict, which must match the result format of one of the ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(ordering_service_node_info)” at index 76: Module name “ordering_service_node_info” is not a FQCN or ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(ordering_service_node)” at index 109: Module name “ordering_service_node” is not a FQCN modules.

Only required when operation is fetch or apply_update.

Cannot be specified with ordering_service.

If specified when operation is create, then the specified ordering service nodes are used as the consenters for the channel. This is useful when you want to use a subset of nodes in an ordering service; for example, when you only want to use three ordering service nodes from a five node ordering service.

Type: raw

The identity to use when interacting with the ordering service or for signing channel configuration update transactions.

You can pass a string, which is the path to the JSON file where the enrolled identity is stored.

You can also pass a dict, which must match the result format of one of the ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(enrolled_identity_info)” at index 76: Module name “enrolled_identity_info” is not a FQCN or ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(enrolled_identity)” at index 105: Module name “enrolled_identity” is not a FQCN modules.

Only required when operation is fetch, sign_update, or apply_update.

Type: raw

The MSP ID to use for interacting with the ordering service or for signing channel configuration update transactions.

Only required when operation is fetch, sign, or apply_update.

Type: str

The PKCS #11 compliant HSM configuration to use for digital signatures.

Only required if the identity specified in identity was enrolled using an HSM, and when operation is fetch, sign, or apply_update.

Type: dict

The PKCS #11 library that should be used for digital signatures.

Type: str

The HSM label that should be used for digital signatures.

Type: str

The HSM pin that should be used for digital signatures.

Type: str
name (required)

The name of the channel.

Type: str
path (required)

The path to the file where the channel configuration or the channel configuration update transaction will be stored.

Type: str

The path to the file where the original channel configuration is stored.

Only required when operation is compute_update.

Type: str

The path to the file where the updated channel configuration is stored.

Only required when operation is compute_update.

Type: str

The list of organizations to add as members in the new channel.

The organizations must all be members of the consortium.

You can pass strings, which are the names of organizations that are registered with the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

You can also pass a dict, which must match the result format of one of the ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(organization_info)” at index 76: Module name “organization_info” is not a FQCN or ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(organization)” at index 100: Module name “organization” is not a FQCN modules.

Only required when operation is create.

Type: list
Elements: raw

The set of policies to add to the new channel. The keys are the policy names, and the values are the policies.

You can pass strings, which are paths to JSON files containing policies in the Hyperledger Fabric format (common.Policy).

You can also pass a dict, which must correspond to a parsed policy in the Hyperledger Fabric format (common.Policy).

You must provide at least an Admins, Writers, and Readers policy.

Only required when operation is create.

Type: dict

The set of ACLs to add to the new channel. The keys are the ACL names, and the values are the name of the policy used by the ACL.

Type: dict

The capability levels for the new channel.

Type: dict

The application capability level for the new channel.

The value must be a valid application capability level supported by Hyperledger Fabric, and all peers that will join the new channel must support this application capability level.

Example application capability levels include V1_4_2 and V2_0.

Type: str
Default value: V1_4_2

The channel capability level.

The value must be a valid channel capability level supported by Hyperledger Fabric, and all peers and ordering service nodes in the new channel must support this channel capability level.

Example channel capability levels include V1_4_3 and V2_0.

Type: str

The orderer capability level for the new channel.

The value must be a valid orderer capability level supported by Hyperledger Fabric, and all ordering service nodes in the new channel must support this orderer capability level.

Example orderer capability levels include V1_4_2 and V2_0.

Type: str

The parameters for the new channel.

Type: dict

The batch size parameters for the channel.

Type: dict

The maximum number of messages that should be present in a block for the channel.

Type: int

The total size of all the messages in a block for the channel must not exceed this value.

Type: int

The total size of all the messages in a block for the channel should not exceed this value.

Type: int

The maximum time to wait before cutting a new block for the channel.

Example values include 500ms, 5m, or 24h.

Type: str

The amount of time to shift backwards for certificate expiration checks during TLS handshakes with the ordering service endpoint.

Only use this option if the ordering service TLS certificates have expired.

The value must be a duration, for example 30m, 24h, or 6h30m.

Type: str


- name: Create the configuration for a new channel
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    operation: create
    name: mychannel
    path: channel_config_update.bin
      - Org1
      Admins: admins-policy.json
      Readers: readers-policy.json
      Writers: writers-policy.json

- name: Fetch the channel configuration
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ordering_service: Ordering Service
    identity: Org1 Admin.json
    msp_id: Org1MSP
    operation: fetch
    name: mychannel
    path: channel_config.bin

- name: Compute the configuration update for the channel
    operation: compute_update
    name: mychannel
    original: original_channel_config.bin
    updated: updated_channel_config.bin
    path: channel_config_update.bin

- name: Sign the configuration update for the channel
    operation: sign_update
    identity: Org1 Admin.json
    msp_id: Org1MSP
    name: mychannel
    path: channel_config_update.bin

- name: Apply the configuration update for the channel
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ordering_service: Ordering Service
    identity: Org1 Admin.json
    msp_id: Org1MSP
    operation: apply_update
    name: mychannel
    path: channel_config_update.bin

Return Values


The path to the file where the channel configuration or the channel configuration update transaction is stored.

Returned: always
Type: str