enrolled_identity – Manage an enrolled Hyperledger Fabric identity


Enroll, re-enroll, or delete an enrolled Hyperledger Fabric identity by using the IBM Blockchain Platform.

This module works with the IBM Blockchain Platform managed service running in IBM Cloud, or the IBM Blockchain Platform software running in a Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster.


api_endpoint (required)

The URL for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: str
api_authtype (required)

ibmcloud - Authenticate to the IBM Blockchain Platform console using IBM Cloud authentication. You must provide a valid API key using api_key.

basic - Authenticate to the IBM Blockchain Platform console using basic authentication. You must provide both a valid API key using api_key and API secret using api_secret.

Type: str
api_key (required)

The API key for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: str

The API secret for the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Only required when api_authtype is basic.

Type: str

The timeout, in seconds, to use when interacting with the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

Type: int
Default value: 60

The IBM Cloud IAM token endpoint to use when using IBM Cloud authentication.

Only required when api_authtype is ibmcloud, and you are using IBM internal staging servers for testing.

Type: str
Default value: https://iam.cloud.ibm.com/identity/token

absent - A certificate authority matching the specified name will be stopped and removed.

present - Asserts that a certificate authority matching the specified name and configuration exists. If no certificate authority matches the specified name, a certificate authority will be created. If a certificate authority matches the specified name but the configuration does not match, then the certificate authority will be updated, if it can be. If it cannot be updated, it will be removed and re-created with the specified configuration.

Type: str
Default value: present

The certificate authority to use to enroll this identity.

You can pass a string, which is the display name of a certificate authority registered with the IBM Blockchain Platform console.

You can also pass a dictionary, which must match the result format of one of the ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(certificate_authority_info)” at index 82: Module name “certificate_authority_info” is not a FQCN or ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(certificate_authority)” at index 115: Module name “certificate_authority” is not a FQCN modules.

Only required when state is present.

Type: raw

The name of the enrolled identity.

Only required when state is present.

Type: str

The enrollment ID, or user name, of an identity registered on the certificate authority for this peer.

Only required when state is present.

Type: str

The enrollment secret, or password, of an identity registered on the certificate authority for this peer.

Only required when state is present.

Type: str
path (required)

The path to the JSON file where the enrolled identity will be stored.


The PKCS #11 compliant HSM configuration to use for generating and storing the private key.

Type: dict

The PKCS #11 library that should be used for generating and storing the private key.

Type: str

The HSM label that should be used for generating and storing the private key.

Type: str

The HSM pin that should be used for generating and storing the private key.

Type: str

True if the identity should be enrolled against the TLS certificate authority, false otherwise.

Cannot be specified at the same time as a PKCS

Type: bool

The list of host names to add to the certificate as X.509 Subject Alternative Names.

Can only be specified when enrolling the identity against the TLS certificate authority.

Type: list
Elements: str

True if the identity should be re-enrolled, false otherwise.

If specified, then the identity will be re-enrolled every time that your playbook is run.

Type: bool

Use this option to automatically re-enroll the identity before the certificate expires.

Specified as the maximum time in seconds before the expiration of the certificate.

For example, to automatically re-enroll the identity when there are less than 30 days remaining before the certificate expires, set this option to 2592000.

Type: int
Default value: -1


- name: Enroll an identity
    state: present
    api_endpoint: https://ibp-console.example.org:32000
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    certificate_authority: Org1 CA
    name: Org1 Admin
    enrollment_id: org1admin
    enrollment_secret: org1adminpw
    path: Org1 Admin.json

- name: Remove an enrolled identity
    state: absent
    api_endpoint: https://ibp-console.example.org:32000
    api_authtype: basic
    api_key: xxxxxxxx
    api_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    path: Org1 Admin.json

Return Values


The enrolled identity.

Returned: when state is present
Type: dict

The name of the enrolled identity.

Type: str
Sample: Org1 Admin

The base64 encoded certificate of the enrolled identity.

Type: str

The base64 encoded private key of the enrolled identity.

Type: str

The base64 encoded CA certificate chain of the enrolled identity.

Type: str