channel_capabilities – Manage the capabilities for a Hyperledger Fabric channel
Specify the capability levels for a Hyperledger Fabric channel by using the IBM Blockchain Platform.
This module works with the IBM Blockchain Platform managed service running in IBM Cloud, or the IBM Blockchain Platform software running in a Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster.
- path (required)
Path to current the channel configuration file.
This file can be fetched by using the ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(channel_config)” at index 39: Module name “channel_config” is not a FQCN module.
This file will be updated in place. You will need to keep a copy of the original file for computing the configuration update.
Type: str- application
The application capability level for the channel.
The value must be a valid application capability level supported by Hyperledger Fabric, and all peers in the channel being updated must support this application capability level.
Example application capability levels include
.Type: str- channel
The channel capability level.
The value must be a valid channel capability level supported by Hyperledger Fabric, and all peers and ordering service nodes in the channel being updated must support this channel capability level.
Example channel capability levels include
.Type: str- orderer
The orderer capability level for the channel.
The value must be a valid orderer capability level supported by Hyperledger Fabric, and all ordering service nodes in the channel being updated must support this orderer capability level.
Example orderer capability levels include
.Type: str
- name: Set application capability level for Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.x
path: channel_config.bin
application: V1_4_2
- name: Set channel capability level for Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.x
path: channel_config.bin
channel: V1_4_3
- name: Set orderer capability level for Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.x
path: channel_config.bin
orderer: V1_4_2
- name: Set all channel capability levels for Hyperledger Fabric v2.x
path: channel_config.bin
application: V2_0
channel: V2_0
orderer: V2_0