channel_member_info – Get information about a member for a Hyperledger Fabric channel
Get information about a Hyperledger Fabric channel by using the IBM Blockchain Platform.
This module works with the IBM Blockchain Platform managed service running in IBM Cloud, or the IBM Blockchain Platform software running in a Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster.
- path (required)
Path to current the channel configuration file.
This file can be fetched by using the ERROR while parsing: While parsing “M(channel_config)” at index 39: Module name “channel_config” is not a FQCN module.
This file will be updated in place. You will need to keep a copy of the original file for computing the configuration update.
Type: str- msp_id (required)
The MSP ID of the channel member.
Type: string
- name: Get the organization from the channel
path: channel_config.bin
msp_id: Org1MSP
Return Values
- exists
True if the channel member exists, false otherwise.
Type: boolean- organization
The organization.
Returned: if channel member existsType: dict
- name
The name of the organization.
Type: strSample:Org1
- msp_id
The MSP ID for the organization.
Type: strSample:Org1MSP
- root_certs
The list of root certificates for this organization.
Root certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
Type: listElements: strSample:LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0t...
- intermediate_certs
The list of intermediate certificates for this organization.
Intermediate certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
Type: listElements: strSample:LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0t...
- admins
The list of administrator certificates for this organization.
Administrator certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
Type: listElements: strSample:LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0t...
- revocation_list
The list of revoked certificates for this organization.
Revoked certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
Type: listElements: strSample:LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0t...
- tls_root_certs
The list of TLS root certificates for this organization.
TLS root certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
Type: listElements: strSample:LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0t...
- tls_intermediate_certs
The list of TLS root certificates for this organization.
TLS intermediate certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
Type: listElements: strSample:LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0t...
- fabric_node_ous
Configuration specific to the identity classification.
Type: dict
- enable
True if identity classification is enabled for this organization, false otherwise.
Type: booleanSample:True
- admin_ou_identifier
Configuration specific to the admin identity classification.
Type: dict
- certificate
The root or intermediate certificate for this identity classification.
Root or intermediate certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
- organizational_unit_identifier
The organizational unit (OU) identifier for this identity classification.
Type: strSample:admin
- client_ou_identifier
Configuration specific to the client identity classification.
Type: dict
- certificate
The root or intermediate certificate for this identity classification.
Root or intermediate certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
- organizational_unit_identifier
The organizational unit (OU) identifier for this identity classification.
Type: strSample:client
- peer_ou_identifier
Configuration specific to the peer identity classification.
Type: dict
- certificate
The root or intermediate certificate for this identity classification.
Root or intermediate certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
- organizational_unit_identifier
The organizational unit (OU) identifier for this identity classification.
Type: strSample:peer
- orderer_ou_identifier
Configuration specific to the orderer identity classification.
Type: dict
- certificate
The root or intermediate certificate for this identity classification.
Root or intermediate certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
- organizational_unit_identifier
The organizational unit (OU) identifier for this identity classification.
Type: strSample:orderer
- organizational_unit_identifiers
The list of organizational unit identifiers for this organization.
Type: listElements: dict
- certificate
The root or intermediate certificate for this organizational unit identifier.
Root or intermediate certificates must be supplied as base64 encoded PEM files.
- organizational_unit_identifier
The organizational unit (OU) identifier.
Type: strSample:acctdept